Teresa Geering is an enchantress, and Shasta Summer is the second of four enchanting fables published by Night Publishing. Here you’ll meet a young girl named Summer who is magically transformed into a beautiful young woman named Shasta, her “eccentric” Aunt May, a fairy queen and her princesses, a magical village named Shasta (I want to go and live there), a young man named Merlin who is imprisoned in a black cat of the same name, love between Shasta and Merlin, time travel, murder, and a sinister presence named Erasmus, the main character in The Eye of Erasmus, the first book of this series (published in June 2010). Every page is enchanting and thoroughly enjoyable.
I find Teresa Geering’s prose as fabulous and mesmerizing as is J. K. Rowling’s: magical, well-told fables that can be read enjoyed by people of any age. I can’t wait for the next to novels in this series to appear so her readers can enjoy them. I know I’m eagerly looking to them. Once you pick one of these books up, you won’t put it down until you’ve read it again and again and again.
A definite five stars