Saturday, September 11, 2010

A truly sensational crime thriller

Daniel Birch, “Get Some”: Night Publishing, available in paperback and Kindle on and

If you like Ian Rankin or Stieg Larrson, you will love "Get Some", the new crime thriller by Daniel Birch. Set in the mean streets of Hull, England, it is the story of two friends, one a lawyer the other a wounded veteran of the Iraq war, and the Hull underworld. It is a page-turner. One of the protagonists, Tommy, reminds me of Lisbeth Salander, the young woman in Larrson's "Millennium" trilogy: smart, focused, a troubled childhood, trauma and absolutely not one to be trifled with when wronged. And Tommy has definitely been badly wronged by two of his British Army buddies in Iraq who sold him to insurgents for heroin.

One indication of how good a writer Daniel Birch is: "Get Some" was a runaway best seller at this spring's well-attended Hull Book Exposition in Hull, England.

Once you pick this up, you will not want to put it down until you've finished it. I can't wait to see what new stories he's got in the pipeline.

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